Shipping & Delivery
If you have questions, we have answers!
We currently only ship within the USA. We are looking to expand internationally soon!
We process our orders within 48 hours. Orders normally arrive within 7 days of shipping!
Shipping is free on orders over $100 | Shipping prices under $100 varies based on what state and which items you order. We ship out of Colorado, so we typically see shipping cost between $10-14 for our Starter Kit.
Please contact us using the form below as soon as possible. Our friendly support team is here to help!
Please understand that our orders are processed quickly which means our ability to make changes might be limited, but we are always here to help wherever possible.
If your order has already shipped, you can redirect your package using the tracking link provided in your shipping confirmation email.
Please note: Once an order has been successfully delivered to the address provided at checkout, weβre unable to redirect or retrieve it. So, please double-check your address details when placing your order to ensure everything is correct.
Although USPS/UPS quote us 2-7 business days delivery, they aren't always able to deliver within this timeframe. When this is the case, your tracking number may show a βdelayedβ delivery date. Β Β
If your order still is not delivered within 12 days, please contact us and we can launch an investigation with USPS/UPS
*Please note: The investigation outcome timeline can vary. Weβll do our best to help with a timely resolution.
We offer a 60-day free return policy from the day you receive your order. Please visit our Return Policy Page for full details.
Contact Us
Weβre here to help. Fill out the form below to open a support request, and we will be in touch. Our team is available M-F, with the exception of major holidays observed in the United States and European Union!